The classic bowl - a product with more uses throughout the home or restaurant than can be listed here. And ours are also elegant just by themselves.
Contact for more information or if you don't see something you like, or to check what's in stock at the studio.
Blown glass - bowl (large)
KSh4,250.00 - KSh18,980.00
Blown glass - fish bowl
KSh4,250.00 - KSh10,380.00
Blown glass - olive dish
KSh1,470.00 - KSh4,110.00
Blown glass - bowl 'Dream' by Christiaan Maas
45,000.00 KSh42,020.00
'Opole' incalmo bowl
Blown glass - bowl 'Autumn' by Ondrej Novotny
Blown glass - bowl (small ~15cm)
KSh1,310.00 - KSh6,460.00
Cast glass - dish
KSh0.00 - KSh630.00